Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm So Hungry & I Could Eat Anything

I found myself so hungry on last Saturday's team ride, at about 2 hours into a three and half hour ride. We had just went through Berthoud, at this point I realized that I didn't eat much that morning for breakfast and only had one bag of power bar bits, which I consumed an hour ago. I ask JT, how long before we go by a store, he said we could stop in Longmont, but where still about a half hour out. Man, I'm so hungry.
As we approached Longmont, I could smell KFC, it was a great smell, sorry Marc and Randy, it was a chicken smell, not for you guys. When we went through the light to turn into a gas station for food, I saw the Yellow Arches on the left, that place good fill me up, I thought.
Well, what I'm trying to say, if you team members were not with me on that day, I would have darted to one of them, and stuffed myself. But, instead I bought a LARGE snickers bar at the gas station.
Thanks to all the team members on the ride for saving me from something that would have been GREAT at the time.

1 comment:

Jonathon Montag said...

Mike :
Davvero-per te posso portare una banana in piu` finche`questi cibi tossici possono essere evitati.

Indeed-for you I can carry an extra banana so that these toxic foods can be avoided.

Jonathon Montag